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Candle Safety:


  • For optimal burning, trim your wick to 3mm before each lighting to avoid smoking and overheating.

  • Always protect the surface on which the candle sits.

  • The first burn of any candle should be long enough for the entire top layer of wax to liquefy. This will ensure an even burn for each light.

  • Refrain from burning candles longer than 3 hours at a time, and never burn a candle when there is less than 1cm of wax at the base.

  • Never leave a candle burning unattended or within reach of drafts, pets, or small children.

  • The candle jar will be hot after burning, so allow the wax to cool completely before handling

  • Once the flame is extinguished make sure the wick is upright and centred.

  • Extinguish the flame carefully by snuffing it rather than blowing on it.

  • Never leave a lit candle unattended.

  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that might catch fire.

  • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.


How To Extinguish a Candle Safely:


  • A candle snuffer starves the flame of oxygen, ensuring that it goes out gently, without giving the wax a chance to spatter. It is the safest way to douse a candle without worrying about spatter or burning one’s fingers on the wick.

  • You can also use a metal spoon if you don’t own a snuffer.


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